I'm currently a senior at Brown University studying computer science and applied mathematics.

My research explores how computer graphics and computer vision can enable interactive applications for capturing, augmenting, and understanding the world in 3D.

In my free time, I enjoy following competitive esports and brewing coffee!


I am a member of the Brown Visual Computing group, advised by Professor Srinath Sridhar as a research assistant in the Brown Interactive 3D Vision and Learning Lab.

My current work investigates methods for segmentation in 3D scene representations using generative models and foundation models in segmentation.

In the past, I have worked with Professor James Tompkin on neural factorization of 3D scenes through differentiable rendering.


EZNeRF is an educational implementation of NeRF written from scratch in PyTorch and paired with extensive documentation for each component.

I have built a number of platforms and tools for the Brown University community:

Dear Blueno is a truly anonymous forum with over 6,000 threads and 1,000 users.

Scenes is an interactive 3D scene viewer and editor implementing a custom JSON scenefile format built for Brown's introductory computer graphics course, CS1230.

Here! is a platform that enables TAs and students to manage course section registration and attendance.

I have also implemented physically-based cloth simulation, a path tracer, and finite element simulation.